Thursday, November 24, 2011

US Thanksgiving - beer and football.  We've arrived to Georgetown, South Carolina.  It's Thanksgiving and we're happy to have found a local pub open with power and internet.  For some reason the computer will not charge on the boat.  Jens has a couple of ideas to find a solution for that.  We've spent the last few nights at anchor and are making good time.  This morning we were on our way at 6:30 AM.  The wind came up quite strong the night before together with rain.  So, we took out the enclosure for the binimi and started putting together the puzzle.  We already had the tops up but there are 5 additional pieces to zip together.
Early morning with the full enclosure
It fully encloses the cockpit keeping us warm and dry.  The rain was followed by a cold front so we were happy to have taken the trouble to put it up.  After a windy night at an anchorage that Jens was not too sure of (would we drift or would the anchor hold?) we were up early and decided to head out.  There was a swing bridge about five miles up that would only operate when the winds were below 15 knots.  Luckily the winds had died down and off we went.
Swing Bridge at Little River, SC

1 comment:

  1. Very nice that you got that worked out and are making good use of it! Happily soon you will be in warmer climates and can shed some of the cold weather gear.
