Monday, February 27, 2012

St Martaan to ....

Day 1, February 23. The freezer is fixed (or so we think) and the weather window looks Iike it might be a good time to cross the Caribean sea. We have decided to head directly to Curaçao and forgoe the Leeward islands of Martinique, St Lucia, Grenada, etc. We have been rushing from port to port and this will allow us to spend a week or more in one spot. We had decided to stop the marathon and turn down the speed a little.
We left Marigot, St Marten at 14:30 headed West to the turn Southwest toward Curaçao. The sun is setting on our first night at sea with the island of St Eustatis visible just off the port side and St Martaan still visible behind us. The wind is favoring us coming on our backs and the waves or swells are coming to our side. We are travelling at 6 or so knots and making good time, we are a little more prepared this time with food ready to assemble and our minds ready for at least four nights at sea. So far, a good start.
Day 2, February 24. It was an uneventful night. Still good winds, sunny days and fairly large swells. No land in sight . Strangely enough, we see a few birds. We did a bit of fishing, but no luck. I think we can probably call it even now. We have all placed our bets as to when we will arrive at our way point which Jens put in which is just to the north of Curaçao.
Day 3, February 25. We are now just over half way there. The wind is still good. Because the waves are coming from the side, it makes it rather rocky and rolly. It is starting to get a bit tiresome. Last night the winds increased and Jens was getting ready for the worst. This means getting the life raft ready to deploy, getting our panic bag ready, etc. our little boat seems to like the winds and waves and just keeps on going.
Oh, yes. Forgot to mention. The DAMN freezer has given up on us. And for some strange reason the genset won't charge the batteries.
Happy Birthday Mary Lou! We will have a toast to you when we land and can crack open an ice cold beer! Enjoy the cruise.
Eric and Liz baked a chocolate cake. What a wonderful treat for our afternoon snack. Yes, imagine. In all the rocking and rolling of the boat they came up with a delicious cake with icing. We do enjoy our small pleasures.
Day 4, February 26. It is Sunday morning. More of the same. Water, wind, waves, rocky boat, not enough sleep. We are all a little tired but we know we are almost there. Eric is the winner of our bet guessing we would reach our waypoint by 8 pm on Sunday.
And we decided to pop into Bonaire for a visit on our way. We arrived in the dark and picked up a mooring just off shore. Got a good nights rest and are ready to explore the island. Since we'll be around the same place for a while, we are open for visits.

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