Tuesday, February 21, 2012

St Martin /St. Martaan

We left BVI yesterday around 10:30 and arrived to St Martin at 02:30.motored all the way but the ocean was quite calm and the stars were shining bright.

Bad news is, our freezer has quit on us again. We have someone coming to take a look at it today. It might just become a beer cooler if we can't get it fixed ... Which is fine with me, but it also means relying on more canned foods during our Pacific crossing. Hmmmm. I think I could pass on the cold beer given a choice.

Oh yes,and our experience so far on the French side (St. Martin) ... I don't like to be negative, but it won't take much for the Dutch to impress us. Or is it just that I had too little sleep and am not my normal patient happy self?


  1. Well I'm not surprised. We French can be aloof and we don't appreciate strangers that don't know how things are done. You probably got relegated to 'tourist' and so disregarded. We don't need tourists do we? lol xoxo

  2. When you get to the Dutch side go to Oyster Pond where Captain Olivers Marina is. You'll enjoy happy hour at Dinghy Docks where you mix your own drinks for $2 or get a beer for a $1.00(maybe even get a Black Russian Ev) and for a GREAT Italian meal go to Quai Ouest Restaurant and Bar just on the hill overlooking the marina. Very relaxed atmosphere. ENJOY!
